Top 5 Node.js Microservices Framework - Scalable and Flexible

Last Updated
April 24, 2024
Top 5 Node.js Microservices Framework  - Scalable and Flexible

One needs to use dynamic programming mechanisms to build real-world applications with JavaScript. The main idea is reliance on the capability of the language module to expand with more traffic. There are several factors that one needs to give due consideration here. They include accessing new features, upgrades, and updates that are released from time to time. 

Moreover, one needs to handle bugs as well. To facilitate the same, new developers have to be added to the project from time to time. This leads to different complications. To run applications smoothly, one has to convert large structures with similar composition, into small independent parts. You can use JavaScript to build such applications on Node.js Microservices Framework

Understanding Microservices in the Node.js Ecosystem 

In the context of software applications, microservices are basically a style of service-oriented architecture. Here the app is created over a congregation of interconnected services.

Microservices make the app more modular in structure.  With the microservices framework in a Node.js ecosystem, you can build applications with ease.

The global microservices architecture market stood at $4.10 billion in 2022. It is projected to reach $ 18.46 billion by 2031. 

Some of the attributes that you can expect from such an architecture are:

  • More flexibility
  • Better scalability
  • Continuous development
  • Proper data organization
  • Optimized resource utilization
  • Timeliness
  • Reliability

When you develop JavaScript apps on microservices, you can focus on building single functional modules. This makes the application development process more agile. 

If you build apps on monolithic architecture, you have to deploy the entire application with every update. On the contrary, microservices are totally independent of the type of framework, technique, and programming language. You only need to send RESTful APIs for microservices architecture.  

Most developers prefer the Node.js platform to build JavaScript microservices. Node.js is cross-platform and open-source, and mainly used for network building and server-side applications. If written in JavaScript, Node.js is executed on Windows, OS X, and Linux. 

Reasons to Use Node.js for Building Microservices 

Node.js is very well-suited for microservices. You can go through some of the most obvious advantages that lead to choosing it for software development technologies. 

Simple Development 

The development of the node.js microservices framework is extremely simple that makes it popular. Most large-scale systems are difficult to maintain as they can be complex. With Mode.js microservices, deployment, updation, and management becomes extremely easy. The reason is that the infrastructure is broken down into smaller, independent components. Different developers can work on separate parts, thus making the process quick. 

Reasonable Pricing

Node.js is a great choice for microservices, allowing developers to create small modules. They can easily fit into the project pipeline, at different intervals, quickening the process. You need to scale the modules and not the entire application. So, that leads to huge cost savings. 

Built-in Web Server

JavaScript being a single-thread language, you do not need to rely on FPM. You also do not need to deal with Apache for instance. The web server comes along with JavaScript, making tasks simpler. 

Easy Maintenance and Updates

As Node.js has a modular approach, it allows developers to use the microservices architecture for faster and simpler updates. Moreover, this framework is loosely connected and independent. So, maintaining it also becomes quite easy. The entire process is simplified, due to the absence of complex monolithic code. This facilitates developers to add new features to the app, without stalling it. 

Ease of Use and Installation 

When you compare the Node.js microservices framework to .Net and Python, you will discover that Node.js is easy to set up and maintain. It does not require complicated configuration settings. You can quickly develop and configure APIs using the frameworks, like Sail and Hapi. 

Commercially Focussed

With Node.js, you can easily collaborate with teams. This is again attributed to the modular nature. This helps to make the process faster, from a business point of view, and decreases investment for the business. 

Better Performance

Node.js also comes with a package manager, with different modules that the developers can access and use. Again, the use of JavaScript allows interface developers to understand the status and work on the same. You can also use one language for the entire stack. Furthermore, developers can use the same modules both for backend and frontend. This helps in increasing the productivity of the project. 

Data Replication Capabilities

Developers can take advantage of NoSQL databases, in this case. This offers developers an alternate approach, other than the tabular one. Thus, you can conclude that JavaScript can be learnt and mastered easily. The API support and ease of microservices development benefit organizations in a huge manner. 

Top 5 Most Popular Node.js Microservices Framework 


It is one of the most used Node.js frameworks. Quick and lightweight are the two features that describe this framework. It can develop strong APIs for mobile and online apps. Moreover, developers can learn it very easily.

It comes with middleware that allows easy customization and also helps in defining application logic for HTTP requests. You can also serve numerous requests in a productive manner. Another top feature is its easy integration capability with third-party apps. 

Main Features –

  • Lightweight and quick
  • Flexible routing
  • Middleware support
  • Error handling
  • HTTP helpers
  • Debugging support
  • Built-in security features


This is one of the modern and new-age Node.js microservices that has been created on a modern web framework. It is lighter and more descriptive than others of its genre. Moreover, it comes with several async functions. It also comes with its own async processes by default. 

Koa.js is also counted amongst the most reliable microservices framework which is long-sighted, too. Built on ES6, which is a modern JavaScript, it facilitates the development of online apps. The ES6 generator helps in generating upstream as well as downstream functionality. The built-in error manager also handles all the errors with ease. 

Main Features –

  • Lightweight
  • Flexible
  • Async/await support
  • Context-based request and response objects
  • Customizable routing
  • Active community support


Another great Node.js platform, it helps in the development of practical Node.js server-side apps. It offers a unique structural model that helps in developing enterprise-grade apps quickly. You can also enable typescript along with a strong CLI for programming. This is quite popular among developers today. 

You can readily develop microservices-based apps with this framework. Its versatile nature and deep design philosophy further enhance its functionality. You can build enterprise-level apps with this platform. 

Main Features –

  • Modular architecture
  • Easy-to-use decorators
  • Multiple database support
  • Exception filters
  • WebSocket integration capability
  • GraphQL support
  • In-built testing framework


Another popular Node.js framework, it allows the creation of REST APIs, with very minimum coding. Underneath, Express.js is used. You can produce complete end-to-end REST API for web-based applications. Additionally, you can also access full-stack programming features. One can also use the same modules on the server side and the client side. 

The platform comes with pre-installed functionalities that make things easier for the developer. It is one of the best frameworks for microservices today. It also utilizes scaffolding features that aid in the development of apps. Developers find it quite effective, due to the structured and organized codebase, that helps in building scalable apps. 

Main Features –

  • In-built support for databases like MongoDB
  • Powerful command-line interface
  • Customizable
  • Comprehensive architecture
  • Strong security features


It is a very lightweight and flexible platform that can help developers build RESTful APIs. It also facilitates the development of real-time applications. Its underlying framework is Express, which provides numerous features like authentication, database integration, and authorization. 

It also helps developers build scalable web applications and APIs. Moreover, it is highly customizable and simple to use. The modular architecture allows developers to choose the various components to fit the specific requirements of the project. 

Main Features –

  • Lightweight
  • Built-in support for real-time communication
  • Works with both JavaScript and Typescript
  • Support for a wide range of databases and data stores
  • Has a powerful plugin system
  • Great support and configuration for and Primus


Thus, you can conclude that Node.js for building microservices is becoming increasingly popular day by day. Developers with Node.js skill are also in demand and getting enough work. This framework provides developers with the desired tools and architecture, to develop complex and distributed systems that you can integrate with other services. As Node.js grows and evolves, you can expect to see more such innovative options. It is truly an excellent option for developers looking to create scalable and resilient apps.