Outsourcing Statistics By Country | Outsourcing Trends

Last Updated
February 5, 2024
Outsourcing Statistics By Country | Outsourcing Trends

Outsourcing, a strategic business practice, involves contracting out specific tasks or functions to external service providers rather than handling them in-house. This collaborative approach has become integral to the global business landscape, reshaping how organizations operate and compete. 

Outsourcing allows companies to tap into specialized skills, expertise, and resources, optimizing efficiency and cost-effectiveness. By delegating non-core functions to external partners, businesses can concentrate on their core competencies, fostering innovation and growth.

Moreover, outsourcing facilitates access to a global talent pool, enabling companies to leverage diverse skills and perspectives. In an interconnected world, where digital technologies have amplified the reach of businesses, outsourcing has emerged as a key driver of competitiveness, allowing companies to navigate complex challenges and stay agile in an ever-evolving market.

Outsourcing History and Industries

Outsourcing's trajectory spans a rich history, evolving from its roots in manufacturing during the Industrial Revolution to a global phenomenon shaping today's interconnected economy. Initially, outsourcing focused on labor-intensive tasks, but the digital age catalyzed a shift toward knowledge-based processes. 

This evolution birthed various models, including offshore, nearshore, and business process outsourcing (BPO), each catering to specific needs and cost structures. Information technology outsourcing (ITO) and business process outsourcing (BPO) emerged as dominant paradigms, transforming industries like technology, finance, and healthcare. 

Companies in these sectors leverage outsourcing to enhance flexibility, cut costs, and access specialized skills. Today, the outsourcing landscape is characterized by a dynamic blend of traditional and cutting-edge models, reflecting the continual adaptation of businesses to a rapidly changing global environment.

Key Statistics of Outsourcing 

The global outsourcing market reached $971.2 billion in 2023, marking a 7.77% increase from $901.1 billion in 2022.

  • Around 60% prefer to outsource to third parties for their software application creation and maintenance.
  • Every year around 300000 jobs are outsourced from the USA
  • Outsourcing, often driven by cost reduction, accounts for up to 70% of the primary motivations.
  • At least one business process is outsourced by 37% of small enterprises.
  • Business process outsourcing contracts are held by 59% of G2000 companies, showcasing widespread industry reliance.
  • The global market for outsourcing Business Process Outsourcing will reach $525 billion by 2030 
  • GBS organizations achieved a standardization and efficiency rate of 82% in the year 2023.
  • Cost reduction drives outsourcing for 27% of Modern businesses. The global BPO industry is projected to grow at a 10.1% CAGR, reaching $492.45 billion by 2028 from $251.1 billion in 2021

Outsourcing statistics by country


India stands as a premier destination for outsourcing, recognized globally for its vibrant and dynamic business process outsourcing (BPO) and information technology (IT) industry. 

The country's outsourcing success is anchored in a trifecta of factors: a vast pool of highly skilled and English-proficient professionals, cost-effectiveness, and a robust technological infrastructure. 

Indian cities such as Bangalore, Hyderabad, and Pune have evolved into bustling outsourcing hubs, hosting numerous multinational corporations and startups.

With a rich cultural heritage, India also boasts a favorable time zone, facilitating seamless communication and collaboration with clients worldwide. As the outsourcing landscape evolves, India remains a strategic choice for businesses seeking innovation, scalability, and cost-efficiency in a globally competitive market.

Some highlights

  • GDP - 411,000 Billion USD (4.11 trillion)
  • Population- 1.4 billion
  • Total Developers - 6 million developers
  • Yearly Graduates-  around 10 million
  • Hourly rate - $15-$40
  • Average salary: 10825

At $104 billion, IT outsourcing continues to lead in terms of market share and is also likely to be the best-performing segment of FY2022, with a Y-o-Y growth of 8.3%. (Govt.in)

The information technology/business process management (IT-BPM) sector contributed a share of about 7.5 percent to the GDP of the country in fiscal year 2023


Outsourcing work to the Philippines presents numerous advantages that make it a prime destination for global businesses. Boasting 13% of the global outsourcing market, the Philippines has evolved into a top outsourcing spot with over 700 BPO companies.

Key benefits include cost efficiency, with hourly rates significantly lower than in the U.S., enabling up to 50% savings in operating costs. The country's 24/7 BPO operations align with the demand for round-the-clock customer support.

 The Philippines offers a highly skilled and diverse talent pool, proficient in English, making it a preferred choice for outsourcing services. Cultural affinity for Western countries, desirable work ethics, and proven flexibility further contribute to its appeal. 

Additionally, long-term government support and economic growth reinforce the Philippines' standing as an outsourcing hub. Despite these advantages, potential drawbacks include challenges in managing offsite staffing, time zone differences, strict labor laws, inconvenient business travel, outdated technology, privacy concerns, the risk of unexpected disruptions, and a potential loss of business control. 

Careful consideration and strategic planning are necessary to navigate these challenges successfully.

Some highlights

  • GDP- 435.67 Billion USD
  • Population-112.89 million
  • Total Developers- 190,000
  • Yearly Graduates- 500,000
  • Hourly Rates-$20 and $49
  • Average Salary: 18000

Business process outsourcing contributes 9% to the Philippines' GDP, showcasing its significant economic impact.  (Source)

In 2022, the export value of telecommunications, computer, and information services totaled around 6.8 billion U.S. dollars.


Poland has positioned itself as an outstanding destination for outsourcing, particularly in the realm of IT services. The country boasts a robust economic climate, evidenced by its consistent ranking among the top countries for global investment. 

With an annual direct investment of $1.2 billion, Poland trails only the US and Spain, drawing attention primarily to the technology sector, especially in IT outsourcing.

The key advantages of outsourcing to Poland include its excellent coding expertise, a high concentration of talent, overlapping time zones with Europe and reasonable time differences with the US, proficiency in English and similar work culture, affordability of services compared to Western counterparts, a strong R&D market, and the availability of offshoring and nearshoring opportunities. 

Poland's GDP growth, even during the global pandemic, underscores its economic resilience.

Poland stands out in the global IT market, ranking 15th among digital nations and boasting nearly 300,000 developers. Its IT market revenue, projected to reach $13 billion, reflects a 45% growth, highlighting its significance in the industry.

The country competes favorably with other outsourcing destinations, offering a competitive price–quality ratio. With a flourishing education system, thriving IT hubs in major cities, and a results-driven mindset, Poland emerges as a top choice for businesses seeking quality, cultural alignment, and expertise in IT outsourcing.

 Some highlights

  • GDP - 880 Billion USD
  • POPULATION- 38 million
  • TOTAL DEVELOPERS Population - 250,000 
  • Yearly Graduates-  292,600
  • Hourly rate- $20 and $75
  • Average Salary:24,000

Poland generates - 9.58 billion USD From Software Development Revenue


Some highlights

GDP - $1.811 trillion

Population- 129 million

Total developers -  700,000

Yearly Graduates-  292,600

Hourly rate- $20 and $75

Average Salary- 39000

By 2024, the Business Process Outsourcing market in Mexico is anticipated to attain a revenue of US$4.13 billion. (Statista)

Outsourcing to Mexico has become an increasingly popular choice for companies aiming to save on labor costs and expand their business operations. 

This trend is not new, as industry leaders like Honeywell and General Motors have been operating in Mexico since the '90s, and tech giants like Amazon, Facebook, and Intel have outsourced technical talent to the country. 

The article emphasizes key reasons behind Mexico's outsourcing appeal and provides insights into its advantages, challenges, and the 2021 Mexican Labor Law Amendment.

Mexico stands out for its highly skilled and educated talent pool, favorable trade treaties, lower labor costs, improved infrastructure, low staff turnover, and proximity to the US market.

The country's 12 Free Trade Agreements facilitate reduced transportation tariffs, making it an attractive destination for manufacturing outsourcing. Despite the advantages, the article acknowledges challenges such as dependence on outsourcing companies, unforeseen costs, and monitoring issues.

The 2021 Mexican Labor Law Amendment, aimed at preventing corporate tax avoidance, introduces obligations for companies engaging in outsourcing. 

While the law prohibits subcontracting jobs for core business activities, outsourcing for non-core activities remains unaffected. The article provides a breakdown of key obligations for businesses and suggests considering offshoring solutions for core activities.


GDP - 430 billion USD

Population- 34 million

Yearly Graduates - 250,000

Hourly rate- $20 and $75

Average Salary:27,000

The IT Outsourcing market in Malaysia is expected to achieve a revenue of US$1.88 billion by 2024. (Statista)

Outsourcing to Malaysia offers businesses numerous advantages, making it a preferred destination for top multinational companies like IBM, Apple, HSBC, and Shell.

 The key benefits of outsourcing to Malaysia include higher cost savings, skilled talent, English proficiency, business-friendly policies, and robust digital infrastructure.

Firstly, Malaysia provides significant cost savings, with lower living costs and employee incomes compared to the USA and Europe. The country's skilled talent pool, especially in domains like IT, electronics, and finance, is a result of continuous efforts to upskill the workforce through educational reforms. English proficiency is another crucial factor, with Malaysia ranking third in the Asia Pacific region.

Malaysia's business-friendly policies, supported by organizations like PIKOM, MDEC, and Outsourcing Malaysia, enhance the outsourcing industry and attract foreign investments. The nation's digital infrastructure, including initiatives like the Digital Free Trade Zone, positions it as a hub for advanced technologies and ensures strong cybersecurity and IP protection.

Outsourcing Challenges and Risks

Quality Control

One of the significant challenges in outsourcing is maintaining consistent quality across different locations or when working with external vendors.

Differences in work culture, standards, and expectations may lead to variations in the quality of work delivered.

Ensuring that the outsourcing partner adheres to the same quality standards as the parent company requires effective communication, regular monitoring, and established quality control processes.

Communication Barriers

Geographic and cultural differences can create communication challenges between in-house teams and outsourced teams.

Language barriers, varying time zones, and differences in communication styles can lead to misunderstandings, delays, and misaligned expectations.

Establishing clear communication channels, providing detailed project documentation, and fostering open communication are essential to overcoming these challenges.

Data Security and Privacy Concerns

Entrusting sensitive data and confidential information to an external party introduces risks related to data security and privacy.

Concerns include unauthorized access, data breaches, or mishandling of sensitive information by the outsourcing partner.

Implementing robust data security measures, enforcing strict confidentiality agreements, and selecting vendors with a proven track record in security help mitigate these risks.

Dependency on Outsourcing Partners

Over-reliance on outsourcing partners for critical business functions may pose a risk if the external provider faces financial instability, operational issues, or unexpected disruptions.

Companies may find themselves vulnerable if they lack contingency plans or alternatives for essential services provided by outsourcing partners.

Diversifying outsourcing relationships, having contingency plans, and periodically reassessing dependencies are crucial to minimizing risks associated with dependency.

Legal and Compliance Risks

Operating in different jurisdictions means navigating diverse legal frameworks, regulations, and compliance standards.

Failure to understand and adhere to local laws can result in legal disputes, regulatory penalties, and damage to the company's reputation.

Regularly reviewing and updating contracts, staying informed about legal requirements in each jurisdiction, and conducting due diligence on outsourcing partners help manage legal and compliance risks effectively.

Outsourcing Statistics FAQ

Which industries commonly use outsourcing services?

Outsourcing is prevalent across various industries. Common sectors include Information Technology (IT), customer support, manufacturing, finance and accounting, human resources, and healthcare.

How do I choose the right outsourcing partner for my business?

Choosing the right outsourcing partner involves evaluating factors such as expertise, reputation, cost, cultural fit, and security measures. Conducting thorough research, checking client testimonials, and visiting facilities can help in making an informed decision.

What are the risks associated with outsourcing?

Risks in outsourcing can include data security concerns, cultural differences, loss of control over processes, and potential communication challenges. Addressing these risks involves implementing robust contracts, cybersecurity measures, and effective communication strategies.

Is outsourcing only about cost savings?

While cost savings are a significant factor, outsourcing is not solely about reducing expenses. It also provides access to specialized skills, allows businesses to scale efficiently, and fosters innovation through collaboration with global talent.

What are the differences between onshore, offshore, and nearshore outsourcing?

Onshore outsourcing involves contracting services within the same country, offshore outsourcing involves contracting services in a different country, often far away, and nearshore outsourcing refers to contracting services in a nearby or neighboring country. Each option has its advantages based on factors like cost, proximity, and cultural alignment.

How can outsourcing contribute to business innovation?

Outsourcing facilitates innovation by bringing in external expertise, fresh perspectives, and access to cutting-edge technologies. Collaborating with specialized outsourcing partners can enhance a company's ability to innovate and stay competitive.

What measures can be taken to ensure data security in outsourcing?

Ensuring data security in outsourcing involves implementing strong contractual agreements, conducting regular security audits, using encryption, and ensuring compliance with data protection regulations. It is crucial to choose outsourcing partners with robust security measures in place.

How has the rise of remote work impacted outsourcing trends?

The rise of remote work has accelerated outsourcing trends, with businesses increasingly relying on external partners to provide remote-friendly services. This has led to a shift in the types of services outsourced and increased collaboration with global talent.